Monday, October 27, 2008


I'm honored to have received many important endorsements in this race-- our current mayor, Linda Streich, former mayors Paul Cummings and Steve Gates, and all the people who've put my signs on their lawns. This weekend I earned the endorsement of The Hood River News:

Our Picks

Hood River Mayor: Arthur Babitz

October 25, 2008

The Hood River News' editorial board is urging a vote for Arthur Babitz as our town's next mayor. Babitz is an articulate businessman and a valuable member of the city council. He is the best choice to set the political tone for the city, as it continues to evolve as the recreational and agricultural hub of the Gorge — and as it experiences belt-tightening similar to that occurring from Astoria to Burns, from Brookings to Enterprise, and many points in between.

That's not to say Babitz's opponent, Bob Palmer, isn't qualified to be mayor. (Indeed, Palmer served as mayor in the 1990s.) In fact, Hood River voters are in a unique position, having two willing candidates who are highly qualified to serve in the city's highest political office. Both are personable; both are proven community stewards. Palmer brings to the job more than a half century of knowledge as a public employee and a volunteer. Palmer retired as the city's fire marshal in the early 1990s. He is a veteran volunteer with the Lions Club and has a knack of making strangers feel like long-lost friends. Babitz can't match Palmer's years of service, but he is equally as personable and has displayed a similar passion for his hometown since moving here more than a decade ago.

The demands on a small-town mayor vary from city to city. Hood River's unique setting in the Columbia River Gorge and closeness to Mount Hood bring it more attention than arguably most Oregon cities of around 7,000 people. The New York Times wants a comment on kite boarding or windsurfing and it seeks out the mayor. The Seattle Times needs a reaction to a climbing incident (and the sheriff isn't available) and it looks up the mayor.

What's more, in Hood River there are many partnerships between public and private entities, and public and public entities. We have the city, the county, the Port of Hood River, the Gorge Commission, along with the state of Oregon, school district and others. A higher percentage of our business and commerce depends on the working relationships between these groups.

We also have a diverse group of business and industry, including countless "home-based" businesses. Babitz recognizes the importance of having those businesses included in the political process. Consensus building is a trait Babitz has displayed as a city councilor since 2006. He is comfortable in different settings, whether dealing with business clients on a worldwide basis or making "cold calls" on neighborhoods.

Both candidates know the value of a strong working relationship between the city and Port of Hood River. The Port's plans for the waterfront will affect the face of Hood River for eternity.

Babitz has shown he can identify areas that need to be streamlined and then work through the process to make sure they get done. For example, by studying the budget he came to the conclusion that the city was draining its own reserve funds for water and sewer by charging administrative fees. It's not in the best interest of the city to eliminate reserve funds that would be needed in an emergency.

At first glance, one might think Palmer has more time to give to the city. He's retired and admits he needs something to keep busy. But Babitz owns his business, which offers him flexibility. Babitz is an engineer, so his acute curiosity to see how things work is not surprising. That said, he has spent hours researching audit reports and budgets; he has demonstrated he is willing to put in the time.

A duo ticket — Palmer's institutional knowledge combined with Babitz's business acumen and attention to detail — would be best for Hood River. But that's not possible. We hope Palmer continues to be an advocate for our community; we hope Babitz is the town's next mayor.

Monday, October 20, 2008


This November there are 3527 registered voters in the City of Hood River, out of a population of about 6800. This is an increase of more than 8% since November 2006.

50% of all current voter registration records are either new or have changed (different address, party affiliation, etc.) in the last 2 years. 75% are new or have changed in the last 6.5 years. 90% are new or have changed in the last 12 years. The oldest unchanged registration record is from 1955.

Hood River city voters are about half registered with the Democratic Party, and a little less than a quarter each "unaffiliated" or Republican Party.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Tip of the Day

Most Oregon voters received their ballots Saturday. If you send your ballot back right away, you can save yourself two weeks of junk mail and phone calls. While county election officials are not allowed to tally votes until November 4th at 8PM, they update their records daily to note who has already returned a ballot. Smart campaigns purchase that list (~$30 in Hood River) to save hundreds of dollars by avoiding mailings or calls to people who've already voted.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

What, Me Worry?

For the last few weeks the most common question I've been asked is, "How will the economic crisis affect the city?"

Short term:
  1. Cities issue bonds for everything from new sewer lines to fire trucks. The bond market is frozen right now. Cities are actually very reliable borrowers, so I'm expecting the municipal bond market to be "fixed" before too long, but there will be ripple effects.
  2. Gas tax: Back in April the state told us to expect 8% less gas tax revenue, which we use to repair roads. It may be even worse.
  3. Construction permits: The end of the housing boom means a dramatic drop in revenue from construction permits.
  4. SDCs: The drop in residential construction also means a big drop in income to our "system development charges (SDCs)-- funds which are banked to pay for future infrastructure capacity upgrades.
  5. TRTs?: Our transient room tax (TRTs) have been strong so far this year, but if consumers truly get spooked and stop driving to Hood River we'll see a drop in one of the major components of our General Fund revenue.
Long term: The city is us, so anything that affects our finances will eventually affect the city. As an example, property tax delinquency rises when foreclosure rates rise.

There is a small piece of good news here: When we started budgeting back in April, we decided to take a conservative view on revenues, so even with revenue declines in some categories we're probably OK in the short term. We also scheduled a mid-year review in November, so we can consider if any mid-course corrections are called for. I don't think there is any doubt that the Budget Committee will be willing to move aggressively if the numbers don't look good.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

More Press

Here's a view of our Mayor's race from Rediviva, a local magazine:

Friday, October 10, 2008

Equal Time

Since there are few opportunities for me to appear in person with my opponent in this race, Bob Palmer, I've decided to post his "Mid-Columbia Today" interview here for your listening pleasure. Sorry, but I don't have a photo of him to post.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Also on the Waterfront

I'm excited about what's going on at our waterfront, and it's because of more than just our great new park. For many years the city and the Port have butted heads on the future of the largest block of industrial lands in the city, but now there is a plan in place which has both city and Port support. Not to put too fine an edge on it, but we need more than just tourist industry jobs in our city. We have a healthy and growing technology cluster here, and I expect these plans to help encourage its growth. Check out the Gorge Technology Alliance's great white paper on our tech cluster. Also check out the Port of Hood River's report on the waterfront development project. It's slightly dated, but it's still useful.

The Port is concentrating on developing the "core" area of their lands-- basically those bordered by I-84, Portway Avenue, 2nd Avenue, and the Wastwater Treatment Plant. They've chosen not to tackle the thornier issues of how to use some of the waterfront plots until they have some good experience under our belt. Smart move. As a community we can learn from these first steps and then make better decisions about some of the more delicate parcels.

The plan funds infrastructure improvements such as an upgrade to the wastewater treatment plant and road improvements through an urban renewal district. Urban renewal uses a mechanism known as "tax increment financing" (TIF) to pay for improvements. There have been many questionable uses of TIF around the country in recent years, so it's worth discussing what it is and why it makes sense in this case. The basic idea is that undeveloped land does not generate much tax revenue for government. Under TIF, a government can borrow money to put in infrastructure to encourage land to be developed, then pay off that loan using the increased taxes generated by the newly developed land. State law allows any increased taxes to finance certain improvements. Since an empty lot doesn't generate nearly as much property tax as an industrial building, this "increment" can be substantial. Part of the tax bill continues to go to the normal places, but the increment goes back to the urban renewal agency to pay for infrastructure.

The assumption in TIF is that the property would not have been developed otherwise, so it is in the interest of the governmental bodies that receive property tax revenue to agree to the temporary diversion of property tax increases in order to get future tax revenues. All the taxing districts on your tax bill (city, county, school district, transportation district, etc.) will see the taxes generated from the urban renewal district frozen at today's levels until district finishes paying for its infrastructure. The increment in taxes due to greater development pays those bills.

If the property in an urban renewal district would have been developed without the public tax funding of the infrastructure improvement, then the TIF scheme becomes a way to channel tax revenue away from local governments and toward private developers. The tax increment which would have happened anyway doesn't go to benefit our schools and local governments, it goes to pay for infrastructure that private developers should have paid for. Governments have used questionable TIF funding to the benefit of big box stores in many jurisdictions, so it is worth asking, "Why does this project justify TIF funding."

There are two reasons the waterfront district would not get developed without TIF funding. First, the odor from the sewerage treatment plant has made it extremely difficult to keep tenants in the building near the plant, let alone attact new development. The TIF will pay for capping and filtering parts of the plant to get rid of the odors. Second, private developers have been scared away by the decades of political battle over this chunk of land. This agreement between the city and the port is clear proof that we've put that behind us and are moving forward.

I know this was a long entry, but I'll end it with a bold statement: 2008 marks the turning point for the Hood River Waterfront. The Park and the new industrial development will not only transform the waterfront, but the entire city.

On the Air

I appeared on Mark Bailey's "Mid-Columbia Today" radio show Tuesday morning to talk about my campaign. Mark does a great job making his guests feel comfortable and finding the interesting aspects of local politics. I'll confess I haven't listened to this myself since like most of you I find it painful to listen to my own voice, but hopefully it won't be painful for you.